Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Junior Cosmetology Instructors Find A Way To Go Back In Time

One of the crucial keys to having a successful experience in a technical training program is attendance. It is vital to a student’s technical education to be in lab to witness demonstration firsthand. In a perfect world each student would have perfect attendance and take see every demonstration presented. In the real world, unfortunate things happen. Students become sick or personal reasons may keep them out of class for an extended period of time.

The Junior Cosmetology Lab has remedied this issue. Demonstrations are recorded in the Junior Cosmetology Lab for students to review. There is a recording camera installed in the ceiling along with a ceiling microphone. The microphone along with the video camera is connected to a PC in the classroom. The PC has a capture card installed inside of it that allows video and audio to be recorded to the hard drive.

While demonstrations are taking place, the instructors can show the live demonstration on the Smart Board through the projector. This is beneficial to students with visual impairments or may be seated near the back of the class who may not be able to see.

Once the video is recorded, many advantages become available to the students:

Students who are absent may view demonstrations they have missed

Instructors who will be out of class may prerecord their demonstrations

Students could take videos home on flash drives for study and review

Podcasting could be made available (cos jr. doesn’t podcast so they are not held liable for novice home beauticians)

Students now have the ability to go back in time to play, pause, fast forward or rewind demonstrations. With this technology students will be able to study more effectively and become better professionals in their field.

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